Thursday, August 5, 2010

Like Zepy of Canned Dogs, I suck at Starcraft

Yes, this blog is still alive, amazingly enough.

As you might've noticed (or not), every time I mention news of a holiday, a long one, that is coming up soon, this blog goes dead for the entirety of that holiday, perhaps even more! Care to hazard a guess at what I'd be doing?

A whole lot of nothing, yes. The life we live is limited, so it might seem downright insane to waste it doing nothing, especially when it seems like I'm in times that requires action a lot more. I won't elaborate, but perhaps that is the very reason why I often choose to do nothing instead of something, or anything at all for that matter.

For the first time in my life, I decided to take part in a large event, namely the launch of a game, Starcraft II. While I may not have been waiting and anticipating a sequel for 12 years like some have, or even played the game much, I most certainly enjoyed what little bits and pieces of the first game that I've played quite a few years back. After being told that a launch event was to be held at Funan Digitalife Mall, I checked and saw that the first 1337 people in line would get a special silver dog-tag.

Attracted by the freebies and the game itself, I promptly made the decision to go pick the game up at the launch event instead of picking it up at the shop a day later. Only on that morning, at 8am did I thought to myself "This is my first time doing something like this!" Prior to this, I have not experienced such at atmosphere.

The various activities such as introducing people to the development team of SCII, began at 10am, while the launch of the game itself, and also the time where we would begin to receive our copies of the game, starts at 12:30pm.

Don't be fooled, there was some 200 odd people already inside the building, sitting in queue. My position was somewhere in the 300s.

Another 15 minutes, it turned into that.

And another hour or so, this mass of people gathered.

Photo of Brian Kindregan, Lead Writer for SCII. In a brief conversation with him during the autograph session, he told me that it was his first time in Singapore, seemed rather happy to be here. At first, only the first 200 people in line would get the autograph, but he apparently just kept on going regardless, which was why many others also got it. Pretty nice of him, don't you think?

You've seen the line outside, this is the mess inside. Still a way to go till you get your hands on your own copy of SCII after being ushered into the mall by the crew outside. Showmatches kept everyone entertained though.

Photos of the stuff that I got. The poster is quite nice, so is the 1337 tag that I managed to get my hands on. The t-shirt, I'll leave for another post.

Yay for absurdly long post.