Thursday, November 26, 2009

Disctractions distractions

Really now, when did everything else besides "play" become a job?

Would firstly like to congratulate Greggy on getting a blog!

Finished my last IGCSE paper on Friday the 13th, Black Friday! Official end of the IGCSEs (meaning the last paper) was on the 16th. There were 2 more fencing lessons, one during the exam periods and one after. Donovan (did I spell that right?) and I were the only Grade 10 students who went for the first session, and I was the only Grade 10 student there for the last session of the year.

Meeting some of coach's other students and having a go with them was really fun, and just blatantly SCREAMED in my face that my current standards are, lacking, to say the least. I've come to known ridiculously fast and precise strikes (ow my foot ;_;). Here's hoping the club will be more active next year.

Got Borderlands recently, really hooked on it. Still waiting for PSN Asia to get the DLC up on PSN. Played Katamari Tribute too. The new stuff in it were awesome, as expected, and the game still retains that charming quirkiness, the old levels are very nostalgic, saying the game is awesome is an understatement.

Nearing the 28th and 29th now. My cousin comes back from Australia on the 28th, and we'll both be getting new computers on the 29th during the last day of SITEX, an IT Exhibition. While my current one is still functioning well, there seems to be some serious problems with the display card,as any games I try to run on it will kill the computer off, forcing a complete reboot. I plan to use this for school work, seeing as it's still perfectly functioning in terms of every other thing aside from games.

Regret not going to the AFA (Anime Festival Asia) in Suntec, because apparently it was filled with awesomeness.