School holidays started on the 8th of June, and lasted all the way until the 10th of July, which means it was 5 weeks long. Some of you may know, some of you may not, but I went to London for 3 weeks during the holidays. Stayed in our apartment and met up with my elder brother, who currently lives and studies there. Having most of your meals at the same restaurant everyday can get pretty sickening.
Also went to Amsterdam for 5 days, basically just running around the place and visited some family friends. The smell of cannabis around was pretty much the most horrible thing about that place, and the people's lifestyle and living conditions didn't really appeal to me. No, I don't mean that the place was horrible, just bad for people like me.
Found out about Michael Jackson's death the night after I came back from Amsterdam. Everyone went to sleep and I found out from Kotaku. Rest in peace.

One of the ways they advertise in Amsterdam. Horses were huge.

Thames Square, Amsterdam

Cheese factory~ Holland cheese is good~ Smoked cheese nyoron~

I prefer old cheese though, nice strong taste to it. My dad liked the herb and garlic one.

From left to right: Xui Ting, Jian Xun (elder brother), Me, Jian Kun (younger brother), Tiffany, Cecilia, my mom.

Holland pancakes are excellent, especially the traditional cheese one. This one's banana with whipped cream IIRC, what my elder brother ordered.

This cat here only appears at restaurant when it dark, and only eats beef, nothing else. Oh man, how I'd love to take her home~

Michael Jackson's memorial "shrine" located at the O2 Arena.

Another "shrine" we found while walking around in London.

The O2 Arena, where Michael Jackson was supposed to perform in a few months. We watched Transformers 2 there. Only criticism I had was the typical bad plot, and the slight slack on the CG parts, definitely less attention to detail compared to the previous one.
That pretty much concludes the trip (and my holidays, the non-stop gaming parts omitted). Got back and stayed one night in Singapore, then left again for M'sia. I believe I only stayed in Singapore for a total of 5 days throughout the holidays. The rest was spent in Europe and Malaysia.
Well hey, can't forget the books now can we?
Light novels:
-Toradora! - Volume 8 GET!
-Spice and Wolf - Volume 8 GET!
Got Knights in the Nightmare as well, bloody weird game (not surprising from Sting), but very enjoyable.
IGCSSE mocks started today. And I didn't know about it until last night, when Robert said complained about English Literature being the first paper. My reaction was "English paper? OHSHI MOCKS!"
Updates MIGHT be limited over the next few weeks, but don't count on my word. It could go both ways.
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